Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Searching for Animal Senses

The grade one class has been involved with inquiry learning about their 5 senses.  Here is a summary using  their ideas and words of the work we did today.

We have made questions we want to answer.  Today we chose one question to answer  - Mrs. Hnatiuk's question. Her question was "What senses do animals use?"  We wrote the question where the ? mark was on our poster.

After writing the question, we talked about how we use A.B.C.O.U.T. when we take jot notes.  If you don't know what A.B.C.O.U.T. means - each letter stands for something about taking jot notes.

A is for abbreviations - use Dr. instead of Doctor
B - bullets to begin a new idea
C- Caveman talk - we just write the words important words NOT the whole sentence
O - one idea on one line
U -  use your own words
T - thank where you get the information

We wanted to practice using A.B.C.O.U.T. to take our  jot notes today.  Instead of using a book, we went on the computer to find out the answer to Mrs. Hnatiuk's question .  We went to Mrs. Clark's page and found the Power Kids Life Science database.  We did not write the question down to search, instead we wrote the important words from Mrs Hnatiuk's question.  You can see our words below.

The computer was not working to read for us, so we read the words on our own.  Once we read a sentence if it had something to do with our animal senses' question we decided what caveman talk we would write on our poster.
Here is the picture of the jot notes we took.  Caroline took the picture for us today.
   After we were finished we said thank you to Power Kids Life Science because they helped us learn about animal senses.  What do you think about our learning?

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