Friday, 11 July 2014

The Grand Finale: Part 2

I went back to the book  "Comprehension Strategies" by Tanny McGregor.  I introduced students to the 4 ways we could answer our questions and  modeled sorting the questions.  Again I used the "I do", "We do", "You do" process. 

 Students then sorted the remaining questions in small groups. Each group was given a set of questions to decide how we were going to answer them; using the text T, background knowledge BK, inferring I, digging deeper DD. Students placed their letters (T,BK,I,DD) on the question chart. As I circulated to observe students I noticed there were good discussions happening. Students were disagreeing on how to answer questions and were giving proof for their choices. 

For further practice students were asked to choose a "Good Fit" book and generate "Before, During and After" questions (at least 5). They were asked to record their questions and then identify how they would answer these questions using the 4 ways.

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